Lesbian, Bi-Sexual Women and Transgender Women

"Visibility in the media, at work, in schools and on the streets of every town in Ireland. We need to remove all stigma so that everyone can hold their partner's hand or kiss without looking around first"

(Burning Issue 2. National LGBT Federation)

LGBT Ireland Report 2016

The following contact details will give you more information but also the chance to get support and to engage.

LGBT Helpline

LGBT Ireland, supporting, education and connecting to enhance LGBT lives.
Phone 1890 929 539 or look atwww.lgbt.ie

Dublin Lesbian Line

All volunteers at Dublin Lesbian Line are lesbian and bisexual women who will listen without judgement and without opinion. They have a strict policy of confidentiality and anonymity.


Thurs 7pm – 9pm call 01 8729911

For more information also see www.dublinlesbianline.ie

BeLonG To - Youth Service

A national youth service for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people aged between 14 and 23.

BeLonG To work also includes training and advocacy.


For more information see www.belongto.org

or call 01 6706223

PS – Parents Support

Supporting parents of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender children.


For more information see www.lovingouroutkids.org

or ask for more information at info@lovingouroutkids.org

Outhouse Dublin’s Community and Resource Centre

For lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.



or call 01 8734999